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Local Setup

This guide will help you install and run Maxun on your local system.


SoftwareDownload Link
Node.js (18 or above)Download Node.js
PostgreSQLDownload PostgreSQL
MinIODownload MinIO
RedisDownload Redis

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Create a .env file in the project root folder (maxun in this case)
  2. Copy the content from the example env file to your .env
  3. Ensure you have the prerequisites installed on your system.
  4. Install dependencies
# change directory to the project root
cd maxun

# install dependencies
npm install

# change directory to maxun-core to install dependencies
cd maxun-core
npm install

# get back to the root directory
cd ..
  1. Install Playwright
# make sure playwright is properly initialized
npx playwright install
npx playwright install-deps

# get back to the root directory
cd ..
  1. Run the command below in the root directory of the project
# start frontend and backend together
npm run start

You can access the frontend at http://localhost:5173/ and backend at http://localhost:8080/